+91 9773942225
Job Details
 Job Title:
SAP OpenText Consultant with Exp 7Yrs @Pune
 Job Description:
The position is to develop, enhance AI maps per the requirements of the business teams. Prepare the mapping specification documents for the existing AI maps which were developed without using the AI mapper tool. Working closely with the business team to convert the requirements to a functional code in translation and transformation of business documents. Working with users to troubleshoot and resolve issues in the production applications. Providing a high-level of service and responsiveness to organization when needed. Analyzing complex software application issues for several purposes, such as to identify the root cause of issues or to identify opportunities to improve applications (e.g. performance). Provide technical expertise to B2B team members, in the analysis, design, development, coding, testing and implementation of B2B solutions using GXS EG, AI and WebTradeguide components. Provide technical expertise for creation/modification of maps preferably not using GXS AI Mapper with knowledge of ANSI X12, EDIFACT, XML, Flat files (any to any transformation), especially for EDI 850, 855, 856 and 810 transaction sets. Provide expertise with configuration of Parties / partners, Transformation Profiles and Processing Rules in the fore mentioned GXS / OpenText components Knowledge to create maps that interact with GXS EG and SAP adapter for IDOCs and BAPIs. Create and maintain map specification documentation and other procedure documentation when needed as part of the duties. Performs other duties as assigned.
 Job Code:
 Job Location:
7 Years
Business documents, SAP